RAID Array 3000 Storage Subsystem
5.Reset the controller by power cycling the RA3000 subsystem. You should see a "Flash Boot Utility... " banner, followed by instructions to type CTRL/C to abort. Press CTRL/C to abort the load sequence. A "FLASH Boot Utility Op- tions" menu should be displayed.
6.Choose menu item (2), Change serial baud rate. Select 38400. When presented with the "Please change your baud rate and press RETURN" message, do so from within HyperTerminal via the File\Properties menu, then choose ‘ Configure...
If there is no response from the utility after changing the baud rate, proceed with Step 6.
7.After changing the baud rate, you may have to close and
8.Select menu item “ 1) Download new Firmware Image”. Using the Transfer menu in HyperTerminal, choose Send Text File and send the firmware. You should see a "Receiving code for System Version <ver>" message, followed by a series of \ / - characters cycling at the end of the line. At 9600 baud, the download will take between
9.Select item 9, Restart Controller. You'll be instructed to reset the baud rate back to 9600, which you'll again do from the HyperTerminal File \Properties \Configure... menu. As before, you'll probably have to exit and restart Hyper- Terminal to get any response. Press Enter when Hyperterminal restarts.
10.Your firmware should now be upgraded.
4.2.3Shutdown RA3000
1.Ensure that both host ports are in a quiescent state (no I/O activity).
2.Shut down the Host System.
3.Issue a “shutdown” command from the SWCC Console to the controller shelf.
4.Power OFF the controller shelf.