Compaq S4100 Owner’s Guide
To change the Descreen setting:
1.Click the Descreen option to display the drop down menu.
2.Choose one of the descreen options: No Descreen — No Descreening.
Magazine — Specifies 133 lines per inch. This option smoothes the fine dot pattern found in glossy magazines.
Newspaper — Specifies 85 lines per inch. Smoothes the coarse grain pattern commonly found in newspaper images.
Art print — Specifies 175 lines per inch. Smoothes the fine dot pattern found in high quality art prints.
Custom – Opens the Custom Descreen window, which allows you to specify a custom line screen value. Refer to the Using Custom Descreen Settings section for information about how to set custom descreen values.
Using Custom Descreen Settings
You can also specify custom descreen settings that you can use when you want to change the lines per inch setting to eliminate patterns that are generated while scanning printed images. You can