Four Line Auto-Attendant/Answering Telephone
We want you to know all about your new Telephone.
How to install it, the features it provides, and the services you can expect from its use. We have
included this information in your Owner’s Instruction Manual.
The 2750 is one of our new Series 7 Telephones. It is a stand alone 4-Line Telephone or part of a 4-
Line system consisting of up to 16 stations of 2740's, 2742's, or 2750's. The 2740 is our base unit. It
has 4 line buttons, Intercom, Conference, Page, Transfer, Mute, Headset, Flash, Redial, Hold, 5
memory dial buttons, 40 Number Personal Directory, Type II Caller ID, Speakerphone, and 2.5mm
Headset Jack.
The 2742 Analog Adapter will support attaching an analog telephone to your 4-Line system. For
example you can connect a cordless telephone, fax machine, or modem. These units will have an
extension number and can share all 4 lines.
The next telephone in our system is the model 2750. The 2750 has all of the features of the 2740 plus
an Answering System. This Answering System can either function as an answering machine with 60
minutes of recording time or as an Auto Attendant for your system.
1 2750 User Guide Version 1.3