The call record will show the Caller Name, Call Number, Line Number, Date , and Time of call. Calls
Follow the instructions in Section for viewing the caller list. Once the desired number is displayed, lift your handset, press SPEAKER, HEADSET, or a LINE button to dial the number. Before dialing, you may press the “SELECT” button repeatedly to scroll through different dialing choices for dialing that number, either with or without the area code or a “1” in front. Numbers
To delete a single number, press the DELETE button twice when the desired number is displayed. To delete all the numbers in the caller list press the DELETE button and keep it depressed for 5 seconds while reviewing the caller list.
Note: If you do not wish to store incoming calls in the Caller List, see Section 3.3 to disable this feature.
6.7.Volume Levels
The Ringer, Handset, Speakerphone, Intercom Speaker and Discrete Alert Volumes can all be set independently by using the VOLUME buttons. Eight ringer, four handset, eight speakerphone, eight intercom speaker, and eight discrete alert volumes are available.
To increase the volume, press the UP button.
To decrease the volume, press the DOWN button.
While the phone is
While using the handset, press the up and down VOLUME buttons to set desired handset volume.
34 | 2750 User Guide Version 1.3 |