Software Guide Class Methods
The CMainFrame class is the Visual C++ generated file that is a derived
Method | Type | Description |
OnCreate() | Public | This method is called when a new window is created for this frame. It |
| sets up the HID Notification callback and device status property |
| sheet, initializes the HID manager, creates the system tray icon, sets |
| up the menu and tool tips. If any HID devices are present, it displays |
| the icon on the system tray and makes a call to start the timer. |
HIDNotification() | Public | This method processes notifications of when an HID device is added |
| or removed from the list. It adds or removes property pages to the |
| wireless status page and adds or removes the icon from the system |
| tray when the first or last HID devices is added or removed. |
OnStartTimer() | Public | This method starts the timer based on the |
| rently set to once every 5 seconds). |
OnStopTimer() | Public | This method stops the timer. |
OnTimer() | Public | This method is the timer routine that is called when the timer expires. |
| It loops through all the HID devices in the list and updates their status |
| values then restarts the timer; also, it occasionally requests an update |
| in the battery level, currently set to once every hour. |
OnDestroy() | Public | This method is called when the frame window is destroyed. It stops |
| the timer, removes the property sheet (if displayed), and removes the |
| icon from the system tray. |
OnAppWireless | Public | This method displays the wireless status page, if it is not already dis- |
USBStatus() |
| played. |
116 | CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # |
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