Figure 5-4 shows the PRoC LP RDK bridge connected with a USB adapter board to a PSoC Mini- Prog.
Figure 5-4. RDK Bridge with USB Adapter and PSoC MiniProg
The PRoC LP RDK bridge schematics and Gerber files are located in the following directory: <installation directory>\Hardware\Bridge. The schematic is in Adobe Acrobat PDF for- mat with the letters ‘Sch’ in the file name.
5.2.4LED Usage
Red LED:
■The red LED blinks ON/OFF when the bridge is in Bind mode. The ON and OFF time is approxi- mately 320 ms which is the rate at which the bridge changes channels during the Bind process.
■The red LED also blinks ON/OFF when the PC is suspended. The blinking rate is approximately 1 second which is the frequency of the wake up interrupts.
Green LED:
■The green LED turns on when the bridge receives data from the mouse or keyboard. It remains on for 250 ms since the last received Data packet.
■The green LED turns on and remains on if a key is pressed and held (due to the keyboard’s send- ing Keep Alive packets).
■The green LED turns on and remains on during ping mode (in normal operation, ping mode is a very short period. The user may not notice this period).
The Red and Green LED are blinking alternately when in Manufacturing Test mode.
CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # | 77 |
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