

This document was written for firmware and hardware developers that want to understand and make modifications to the PRoC™ LP KBM Reference Design Kit (RDK).

This document provides a description of the hardware along with architecture and configuration options for the PRoC LP KBM RDK.

1.2Chapter Overviews

Table 1-1. Overview of the CY4672 Reference Design Guide Chapters




Describes the purpose of this guide, overviews each chapter, supplies

(on page 9)

product support information, and lists documentation conventions.

WirelessUSB™ Protocol 2.2

Presents an overview of the radio channel management and pseudo

noise code. Lists the protocol modes, packet structures, bind and recon-

(on page 13)

nect timing, signature byte and the encryption methods.



Discusses the design features, hardware, firmware architecture, and the

(on page 33)

development environment.


Describes the design features, hardware, firmware architecture, modify-

ing the keyboard matrix or adding new keys, and the development envi-

(on page 51)




Describes the design features, hardware, firmware architecture, USB

(on page 75)

interface, and the development and debut environment.

Manufacturing Test Support, MTK

Details the MTK block diagram, MTK serial protocol, MTK RF protocol,

(on page 101)

MTK DUT source code porting, and accessing MTK in the DUT.

Regulatory Testing Results

Describes all EMC test results.

(on page 105)


Power Considerations

Details the usage mode, current measurments, and battery life calcula-

(on page 107)

tions for both the RDK keyboard and RDK mouse.

Software Guide

Describes software code modules and the development environment.

(on page 111)



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CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # 001-16968 Revision **


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Cypress manual Introduction, Scope, Chapter Overviews, Support, Overview of the CY4672 Reference Design Guide Chapters