The first test mode is initiated by holding down the left Ctrl, left Alt, right Alt, right Ctrl, and F1 keys at the same time. If PANGRAM_TEST_MODE is defined, the test sends the key up/down scan codes for the test pangram: ”a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.<carriage return>” . Otherwise the up/down scan codes are repeatedly sent for the test sequence ‘wirelessusb’ followed by the same number of backspaces. The test repeats the appropriate sequence until the escape key is pressed. Once the test has finished execution, the keyboard returns to normal operation.
The repeating ‘x’ test selection is initiated by holding down the left Ctrl, left Alt, right Alt, right Ctrl, and F3 keys at the same time. The test continuously sends the ‘x’ key up/down scan codes. The test continues until the escape key is pressed. Once the test has finished execution, the keyboard returns to normal operation. Module
This module may be conditionally compiled in to provide encryption/decryption support. Encrypted data transfers are typically used between RDK keyboard devices and the RDK bridge. Contact Cypress Applications support for the encryption source code.
4.3.6Configuration Options
All configuration options for the application can be found in the config.h file, and some of them are defined in the Project > Setting > Compiler > Macro defines. Each option is explained below and can be changed to values that meet the developer’s needs.
When a key is held down, this configuration value sets the period at which the firmware generates a KEEP_ALIVE packet since the last keyboard report. The default is 65 milliseconds.
This configuration value sets the period at which the firmware polls the hardware for keyboard events to transmit over the radio. This poll period is only active when the keyboard has not entered sleep because keys are currently being pressed. The default value is 10 milliseconds.
The button debounce logic detects changes in the button state and immediately indicates a change causing a report to be sent to the radio. The debounce logic then blocks out any further button state changes for the specified debounce time. This operation is somewhat different from the usual method of waiting for a button to stabilize during a debounce interval, and then reporting the change in button state. It is implemented this way to improve
This configuration value sets the debounce time for buttons that are pressed. It is measured in units of the poll rate. For example, if KEYBOARD_DEBOUNCE_COUNT is defined as ‘2’ and KEY_DOWN_DELAY_SAMPLE_PERIOD is defined as 10, the button debounce time will be 20 mil- liseconds. The default setting is ‘2’.
This configuration definition is used to selectively compile support for multimedia (hot) keys. If this value is defined, then multimedia key support is compiled into the executable image. If it is not defined, the multimedia support code is omitted.
CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # | 63 |
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