5.4.3Mouse Report Format
The mouse data is sent over the data endpoint 2 using Report ID 1. The format of the mouse report is shown below:
Figure 5-16. Mouse Report Format
Mouse Endpoint (EP2)
Report ID 1
Middle Right Left Button Button Button
5.4.4Battery Level and Link Quality Reports
The PRoC LP bridge implements a mechanism to report the radio parameters of attached HID devices via the USB control endpoint. The code for this functionality can be found in the user custom code section of the User Module source file usb_1_cls_hid.asm.
The RadioParams HID report is a
The HID Report Page is defined as:
Cypress WirelessUSB™ HID RadioParams Report Page
Usage ID | Usage Name |
0x00 | Undefined |
0x01 | WirelessUSB keyboard |
0x 02 | WirelessUSB mouse |
0x 20 | Battery Level |
0x 21 | WirelessUSB Channel |
0x 22 | WirelessUSB PN Code |
0x 23 | Corrupt Packets |
0x 24 | Packets Transferred |
CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # | 95 |
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