This section describes the design goals, architecture, firmware source code modules and configura- tion options for the PRoC™ LP mouse. It does not cover the details of the radio subsystem or the configuration options that go with it.
3.1.1Design Features
The CY4672 Reference Design Kit uses a low cost PRoC LP for the RDK mouse (Cypress part num- ber CYRF69103). Contact your local sales representative for more information.
The architecture was designed to be modular for extendibility and maintainability. It was also designed so that it could easily be ported from one hardware platform to another assuming the use of an equivalent microprocessor. Porting to another microprocessor family requires more work to account for hardware specific changes.
Design efforts have been made to reduce the ‘on’ time of the microprocessor and radio to conserve battery life. This includes protocol optimizations along with using sleep features of the PRoC LP and optical sensor.
3.2Hardware Overview
The mouse assembly, hardware block diagram, schematic, and hardware considerations are dis- cussed in this section.
3.2.1RDK Mouse Assembly
The PRoC LP RDK mouse is currently enclosed in a skin that has been designed for the Avago
CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # | 33 |
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