This configuration definition is used to selectively compile in the Enhanced KissBind feature. See Enhanced KISSBind™ on page 18 for a description of Enhanced KissBind.
The mouse can be
After being
This configuration definition is used to enable the RSSI qualification for the Enhanced KissBind. Only if the RSSI reading is above KISS_BIND_RSSI_THRESHOLD, can the KissBind request/ response be accepted by the Bridge/Devices.
When the bridge is absent, after MOUSE_CONNECT_ATTEMPT_TIMES times of attempts to con- nect to the bridge, the mouse enters the Briefcase Mode. In this mode, the mouse shuts down the sensor to save power.
When the mouse enters the Briefcase Mode, if the AUTO_CONNECT is defined, the mouse tries to connect to the bridge automatically every MOUSE_DISCONNECTED_POLL_MS seconds. If the AUTO_CONNECT is not defined, the mouse tries to connect to the bridge only when the buttons are pressed.
3.3.7Platform and Architecture Portability
The mouse firmware was designed to be easily ported from one hardware platform to another plat- form with a simple
Porting the code to another microprocessor architecture requires modification or leverage of the existing code for processor specific features, along with pin definitions.
Initialization of the PRoC LP chip is done by code that is generated in boot.asm by the PSoC Designer software. The module boot.asm calls main() in the mouse module once the Wireless PRoC LP has been configured and initialized; see Mouse Module on page 42.
3.3.9Wireless Protocol Data Payload
The mouse protocol has been optimized to reduce the
The protocol code module offers the ability to send variable length packets, thereby allowing a reduced number of bytes to be transmitted over the air, in order to extend battery life.
Since mouse usage data demonstrates that X, Y optical sensor data is more frequent than
CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # | 47 |
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