2.3 Panel Function Descriptions
Device LED Indicators
Power LED – Solid glow when the DSA-3200 is powered on.
A valid Ethernet Link will produce a solid glow. The LED will blink with activity.
Private LAN LEDs – A valid Ethernet Link will produce a solid glow. The LEDs will blink with activity.
Status LED – Solid glow when device is ready. Will flash during device restart or reconfigure.
Public WLAN LED – Will flash to indicate proper RF operation and blink with activity.
Public LAN LEDs – A valid Ethernet Link will produce a solid glow. The LEDs will blink with activity.
Power LED: Will illuminate when the Power Supply is connected to the
Status LED: A solid light indicates a functional, ready state of operation. This LED will blink during a device restart or reconfigure, then illuminate solid to indicate proper operation. If this LED continuously flashes or does not illuminate when the device is powered on, please contact Technical Support for assistance.
Public WLAN LED: This indicator will flash to indicate proper RF operation of the internal AP. The LED will blink rapidly with activity.
WAN LED: A solid light indicates a valid Ethernet Link to the WAN modem/switch. LEDs will blink to indicate WAN activity. No light indicates a