Bottom View
modem/Mini PCI | battery/battery |
card cover | bay |
hard drive
air vent
memory module cover | battery latch release |
M O D E M / M I N I PCI C A R D C O V E R — Covers the compartment that contains the modem and Mini PCI card. See page 71.
B A T T E R Y /B A T T E R Y B A Y — When a battery is installed, you can use the computer without connecting the computer to an electrical outlet. See page 29.
A I R VE N T S — The computer uses an internal fan to create airflow through the vents, which prevents the computer from overheating.
NOTE: The fan may run constantly, and fan speed may vary depending on usage. Fan noise is normal and does not indicate a problem with the fan or the computer.
CAUTION: Do not block, push objects into, or allow dust to accumulate in the air vents. Do not store your computer in a
B A T T E R Y L A T C H R E L E A S E — Releases the battery. See page 31 for instructions.
M E M O R Y M O D U L E C O V E R — Covers the compartment that contains the memory module(s) and the CD or DVD drive latch release. See page 68.
H A R D D R I V E — Stores software and data.
A Tour of Your Computer