RACADM Subcommand Details 79


NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have CMC Login User privilege.

NOTE: The service tag field is blank for modules that do not have service tags.


racadm getmodinfo [-m <module>] [-A]

14-C Fibre
Channel 4 Present Not Installed Not
15-A Gigabit
Ethernet Extension(7) N/A 00:1E:4F:FF:F
0:B4 00:1E:4F:FF
iSCSI Extension(7) N/A 00:1E:4F:FF:F
0:B5 00:1E:4F:FF
15-B Gigabit
Ethernet Extension(7) N/A 00:1D:09:71:E
1:20 00:1D:09:71
iSCSI Extension(7) N/A 00:1D:09:71:E
1:21 00:1D:09:71
15-C Fibre
Channel 4 Extension(7) N/A 21:00:00:1B:3
2:17:3A:66 21:00:00:1B
Server-16 N/A Not Present N/A N/A N/A
Switch-1 None Present N/A 00:00:00:00:0
0:00 N/A
Switch-2 None Present N/A 00:00:00:00:0
0:00 N/A
Switch-3 None Present N/A 00:00:00:00:0
0:00 N/A
Switch-4 None Present N/A 00:00:00:00:0
0:00 N/A
Switch-5 None Present N/A 00:05:1E:08:E
B:0B N/A
Switch-6 N/A Not Present N/A N/A N/A

Subcommand Description

getmodinfo Displays configuration and status information for all modules or a

specified module (server, switch, CMC, fan unit, power supply

unit, KVM, or I2C cable) in the chassis.