network connector on the back of the computer and the network connector.
C H E C K T H E N E T W O R K L I G H T S O N T H E N E T W O R K C O N N E C T O R — No light indicates that no network communication exists. Replace the network cable.
P L U G T H E A/C P O W E R A D A P T E R I N T O T H E C O M P U T E R — If batter power only, the QuickSet utility can disable the onboard network card to save battery life. For more information on the QuickSet utility, see "Dell™ QuickSet" on page 129.
C H E C K Y O U R N E T W O R K S E T T I N G S — Contact your network administrator or the person who set up your network to verify that your network settings are correct and that the tnetwork is functioning.
For more information on the different types of networks, see "Setting Up and Using Networks" on page 49.
PC Card or ExpressCard Problems
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide.
C H E C K T H E C A R D — Ensure that the card is properly inserted into the connector.
E N S U R E T H A T T H E C A R D I S R E C O G N I Z E D B Y W I N D O W S —
I F Y O U H A V E P R O B L E M S W I T H A D E L L - P R O V I D E D C A R D — Contact Dell (see "Contacting Dell" on page 143). I F Y O U H A V E P R O B L E M S W I T H A C A R D N O T P R O V I D E D B Y D E L L — Contact the PC Card manufacturer.
Power Problems
Fill out the Diagnostics Checklist (see "Diagnostics Checklist" on page 143) as you complete these checks.
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide.
C H E C K T H E P O W E R L I G H T — When the power light is lit or blinking, the computer has power. If the power light is blinking, the computer is in standby
C H A R G E T H E B A T T E R Y — The battery charge may be depleted.
1Reinstall the battery.
2Use the AC adapter to connect the computer to an electrical outlet.
3Turn on the computer.
NOTE: Battery operating time (the time the battery can hold a charge) decreases over time. Depending on how often the battery is used and the conditions under which it is used, you may need to purchase a new battery during the life of your computer.
C H E C K T H E B A T T E R Y S T A T U S L I G H T — If the battery status light flashes orange or is a steady orange the battery charge is low or depleted. Connect the computer to an electrical outlet.