Troubleshooting Tables

Program Guide or the Browse Banner

What Is Happening Possible Reason What to Do
In the Program Guide, some
channels have a red background. Red means that you have not
subscribed to that channel.
You must subscribe to a
channel before you can tune
the receiver to it.
If you want to buy a channel, call the
Customer Service Center at 1-800-333-
DISH (3474).
Use Customer Service on dish home.
You cannot display future programs
in the Program Guide or Browse
The Program Guide and
Browse Banner can display
programs scheduled for an
extended, but not unlimited
time beyond the present.
Try displaying the Program Guide again
later. By that time, it may show programs for
the time and date you want.
You cannot display programs that
have ended in the Program Guide
or Browse Banner.
The Program Guide and
Browse Banner can display
only programs that have not
yet ended. These features
cannot display a time earlier
than the present.
Contact the program providers (for example,
the channel or network affiliate that
broadcast the program) for details on past
When you are using the Program
Guide or Browse Banner, some
channels are missing.
You may have applied a
Favorites List other than the
list named All Chan.
You can change the applied Favorites List
while using the Program Guide by pressing
the remote control Guide button. You can
choose another custom Favorites List, the
All Chan list, which includes all the channels,
or the All Sub list, which includes all
subscribed channels.
You may have set up the
Program Guide so that when
the receiver is locked, the
Guide hides adult channels
Unlock the receiver for the Program Guide to
display adult channels.
Favorites Lists
What Is Happening Possible Reason What to Do
You press the remote Guide
button while the Program
Guide is displayed. You find
that you can apply only the All
Chan list or the All Sub list.
If you have not added
channels to any custom
Favorites List, you will be able
to apply only the All Chan list
or the All Sub list.
You must add channels to a custom Favorites List
before you can apply it.
You try to change the
All Chan list or the All Sub list.
The receiver displays an
ERROR message.
The receiver will not allow you
to change the All Chan list or
the All Sub list.
Choose another list to change.
Note: You can change the All Sub list by changing
what channels you buy.
You try to apply an empty
Favorites List. The receiver
displays an ERROR message.
The receiver will not allow you
to apply an empty list. Choose another list to apply, or add at least one
channel to the empty list.
A Favorites List does not show
channels that you know you
have added to it.
If you have set up the
Program Guide to hide adult
channels and the receiver is
locked, the Favorites List will
not show such channels.
Unlock the receiver for the list to show adult