first character, then press → to the next character and repeat until the entry is correct. Press EXIT to return to the Trail Options Menu.
Update Rate setting (left) and Update Distance setting (right).
Trail Name highlighted (left). Edit Trail menu (center). Trails menu
with New Trail highlighted (right).
Specific Trail Options
Delete Trail
From the Trails Menu, press ↓ to trail nameENT. The Edit Trail menu appears. Press → to DELETE TRAILENT← to YESENT.
New Trail
To manually start a new trail, in the Trails Menu, highlight NEW TRAIL is highlighted and press ENT.
Trail Visibility and Other Trail Options
The name, maximum number of points in the trail, activity and visibil- ity are all changed on the Edit Trail menu screen. The Active setting determines whether the unit is recording new points for a trail. Related trail functions are discussed in further detail under the Trails topic in Sec. 7, Advanced GPS Operations.