8.To navigate to the address, press MENU select GO TO and press ENT. The unit will begin showing navigation information to the address. If you are only looking up an address, highlight FIND and press ENT. The map page will appear with the cursor crosshairs centered on the ad- dress.
If the address happens to be an item in the Point of Interest data- base, you can look up the item's phone number in the Waypoint In- formation list. With the address selected by the cursor on the map, press WPT. The POI's Waypoint Information window appears, with the Go To Waypoint command highlighted. If you want to go ahead and navigate to the POI address, just press ENTEXIT.
Map Page showing location of address on the map, highlighted by cur- sor (left). Address is a business in the POI database, so you can display the POI information window (center). This address (right) is not in the POI database, so the Waypoint key will not display information for it.
A POI selected by the cursor (left). POI information screen (right).