Edimax AC-M3000/AC-M1000
User’s Manual
4.4.6 Dynamic DNS
yDDNS: Choose to enable or disable this function.
yProvider: Select the DNS provider.
yHost name: The IP address/domain name of the WAN port.
yPassword/Key: The register password for the DNS provider.
The fields with red asterisks are necessary to fill in.
4.4.7 IP Mobility
If this function is enabled, a client can use any reasonable IP address to connect to the system. Regardless of what the IP address at the user end is, the client can still be authenticated through Edimax
4.4.8 VPN Termination
Virtual Private Network, or VPN, a type of technology designed to increase the security of information transferred over the Internet. VPN can work with either wired or wireless networks, as well as with