P/N 300–002–039, Revision A10
August 17, 2007
This guide describes how to install and remove the Navisphere®Host
Agent, NavisphereS torage System Initialization Utility,Navisphere Server
Utility,Navisphere Command Line Interface (CLI), and admsnap software
on a Sun Solaris operating system.
For information on supported operating system revisions and server
softwarewith a CX3–series or CX-series storage system, refer to the E-Lab™
Interoperability Navigator on the Powerlink website. For AX-series
storage systems, refer to the Support Matrix (Supported Configurations) or
the Supported Configurations link on the Installweb page for your storage
Note: This document uses the term CX3-series to refer to CX3 model 10 systems,
CX3m odel 20 systems, CX3 model40 systems, and CX3 m odel 80 systems,and
theterm CX-series to refer to CX200, CX300-series, CX400, CX500-series, CX600,
andCX700 storage s ystems, and the term AX-series to refer to AX150–series and
AX100–series storage systems.
AboutEMCNavisphereSoftware................................................... 3
Findingcurrentinformation........................................................... 8
Installingand removing the Navisphere Storage System Initialization
Utility.......................................................................................... 9
Runningthe NavisphereStorageSystemInitializationUtility........... 12
Determiningwhetherto installthehostagentor serverutility........... 17
Requirementsforthehostagent,serverutility,and CLI ................... 20
InstallingorremovingtheNavisphereHostAgentandCLI ............. 22
ConfiguringtheNavisphereHost Agent......................................... 28
Runningthe NavisphereHost Agent.............................................. 31