Installing or removing the Navisphere Host Agent and CLI
Youcan install both the host agent and CLI package or just the CLI
package. If you will install both, install the host agent first.
To mod ify an e xist inghost agent configuration refer to the next section.
Note: If you want to install the host agent and use some of the features in
the server utility,see Determining whether to install the host agent or server
utility,page 17.
Installing the host agent and/or CLI on a Solaris server
EMC recommends that you install the most recent version of the
Navisphere Host Agent/ CLI softwarethat is appropriate for your
configuration. You can download the most recent version fromeither
the softwaredownload page on the Powerlink website (CX3–series and
CX-series)or on the support website (AX-series storage systems). You
can also install the software fromthe server supp ort CD (any storage
system); however,the CD may not contain the most recent version for
your configuration.
1. If you are installingthe host agent, make sure that each storage
system is connected to the Solaris server whereyou are installing
the host agent.
2. At the Solaris server,log in as superuser (root).
3. If any previous revisionof the host agent/CLI is installed on the
server,remove it before continuing.
Note: Toverify if a previous version is installed, enter the pkginfo |grep
HOST command.
4. Todownload the software for CX3–series or CX-series storage
systems, do the following:
a. On the Powerlink website, select Support > Software
Downloads and Licensing and navigateto the CLARiiON
NavisphereHost Agent/ CLI download section for Solaris.
22 EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide