Note:TheagentID.txtfile should contain only these two lines, without
any formatting. The first line should contain the hostname and the
secondline should contain the IP address of the HBA/NIC port as
describedabove. Bothlines should end with a carriage return. Asa
result,the cursor will be on a third line but this line should not contain
any text.
c. Save the agentID.txt file.
d. If you created the agentID.txt file in a directory other than
root, for host agent to restartafter a system reboot using the
correctpath to the agentID .txt file, set the environment variable
EV_AGENTID_DIRECTORYto point to the directory where
you created agentID.txt.
e. Ifa HostIdFile.txt file is present in the directory shown for your
operating system, delete or rename it. The HostIdFile.txt file is
located in /etc/log/HostIdFile.txt.
f. Stopandthenrestartthehostagent.
g. Once the host agent has restarted, verify that host agent is using
the IP addressthat is entered in the agentID.txt file. Todo this,
view the new HostIdFile.txtfile. Youshould see the IP address
that is entered in the agentID.txt file.
What next?
Before youcan usethe host agent or CLI, you must modify the user
login scripts.
Modifying user login scriptsUse a text editor to modify login scripts as described below:
1. Usea text editor, such as vi, to make the following additions to the
specifiedpaths in $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.cshrc:
add the text /opt/Navisphere/binto PAT H
add the text /opt/Navisphere/man to MANPATH
add the text/opt/Navisphere/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
2. Exporteach path you modified in the previous step.
26 EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide