Requirements for the host agent, server utility, and CLI
Torun the host agent,CLI,orserverutility,yourservermustmeet
the following requirements:
Run a supported version of the Solaris operating system.
Be aSun SPARCserver, SPARCstation,or Enterprise server running
sion of a Solaris operating system. For the latest
requirementssee the software product release notes.
Have the EMC CLARiiON supported HBA hardware and driver
Be connected to each SP in each storage system either directly or
througha switchorhub.EachSPmusthaveanIPconnection.
For thehost agent and CLI only- Be on a TCP/IP network connected
to each SP in the storage system. The TCP/IP network connection
allows the server to send LUN mapping informationto the storage
system and it allows Navisphere Manager or CLI to communicate
with the storage system over the network.
Have a configuredTCP/IP network connection to any remote hosts
that you will use to manage the server’s storage systems, including:
zanyserver whosebrowser you will use to access Manager 6.X.
zany WindowsServer 2003, or Windows 2000 server running
Storage Management Server software.
zany AIX,H P-UX,Linux, VMwareESX Server, NetWare, Solaris,
Windows S erver 2003, or Windows 2000 server running the CLI.
If you want to usethe CLI on the server to manage storage systems on
system. The remote server can be running AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris,
or the Windowsoperating system.
20 EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide