Table1 Differencesbetween the host agent and the server utility
Function Hostagent Server utility
Pushes LUN mapping
andOS information to the
Yes – LUN mappinginformation is
displayedin the Manager UI next to
theLUN icon or wi th the CLI using
the-lunmapinfo command.
AX-series storage systems
Yes – LUN mapping information is displayed in the
Manager UI next to the LUN icon, or with the CLI using
the -lunmapinfo command. In Navisphere Express this
information displays in the Manage Virtual Disks page.
Note:ThetextManually Registered appears next to
the hostname icon in the Manager UI indicating that
the host agent was not used to register this server.
CX3-series and CX-series storage systems
No – LUN mapping information is not sent to
the storage system. Only the server’s name, ID,
and IP address are sent to thestorage system.
Note:ThetextManually Registered appears next to the hostname
icon in the Manager UI indicating that the host agent was not
usedto registerthis server.
Runs automatically to
sendinformation to the
Yes –Nouserinteractionis
AX-series storage systems
No – Youmust manually update the information by
starting the utility or you can create a script to run the utility.
Since you run the server utility on demand, you have more
control as to how often or when the utility is executed.
CX3-series and CX-series storage systems
No– You must manually update the information by starting th e
serverutility on d emand, you havemore co ntrol as to how often or
whenthe u tility is executed.
HAvalidation feature from the CD
withouthaving to ins tall the server
AX-series storage systems
Currently not supported.
CX3-series and CX-series storage systems
Yes – The HA validation feature verifies that failover software is
installed on the server and that working paths exist between the
serverand eac h SP in the storage system.
18 EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide