8. When installation is complete, exit the /cdrom directory (for
example, cd /).
9. If you installed the server utility from the CD, remove the CD from
the server’s CD drive.
Removing the server utility on a Solaris server1. At the Solaris server,log in as superuser (root).
2. Verify which version of the server utility is installed:
pkginfo |grep HOST
displayed (HOSTUTILor HOSTUTLA).
3. Depending on which versiono fthe server utility is installed, enter
the appropriate command to remove the server utility (pkgrm
HOSTUTIL.pkg or pkgrm HOSTUTLA.pkg) and confirm if
promptedby entering yand y. If the server utility is not installed,
you will receivea Not found error message; continue.
36 EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide