Finding current information
The most up-to-date information about the CLARiiON® server
softwareis posted on the EMC Powerlink® website. We recommend
that you download the latest informationbefore you install any server
Toaccess EMC Powerlink, use the following link:
After you log in, select Support > TechnicalDocumentation and
Advisories andfindthefollowing:
NavisphereHost Agent/CLI and Utilities Release Notes
EMC SnapViewCommand Line Interfaces Reference (P/N 069001181)
The latest versionof this guide that is applicable to your software
revision. For information on FC4700 storage systems, refer to
revision A05 of this gu ide.
EMC Installation Roadmap for CX3–Series, CX-Series, AX-Series,
and FC-Series Storage Systems (P/N 069001166), which provides
a checklist of the tasks that you must complete to install your
storage system in a storage area network (SAN) or direct attach
For the most current management and security content for
AX-series, CX3–series, and CX-series storage systems, refer
to the EMC Navisphere Manager help, which is available in
the Navisphere Manager UI and in the Support > Technical
Documentation and Advisories section of the Powerlink website.
For FC-series management and security content, refer to the
most recent versions of EMC NavisphereManager Administrator ’s
Guide (P/N 069001125) and EMC Navisphere Security Domains,
Multi-Domains, and User Accounts (P/N 069001124).
For AX-series, CX3–series, and CX-seriesstorage systems, refer
to the latest version ofthe EMC N avisphereCommand Line Interface
(CLI) Reference(P/N 300– 003–628). For FC-series storage systems,
referto the most recent version of the EMC Navsphere Command Line
Interface (CLI) Reference (P/N 069001038).
8EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide