Reference Manual
Rosemount 848L
A maintenance alarm indicates the device or some part of the device needs maintenance soon. If the condition is ignored, the device will eventually fail. There are five parameters associated with MAINT_ALARMS, they are described below.
The MAINT_ENABLED parameter contains a list of conditions indicating the device or some part of the device needs maintenance soon. If the condition is ignored, the device will eventually fail.
Below is a list of the conditions with the highest priority first.
1.Secondary Value Degraded
2.Configuration Error
The MAINT_MASK parameter will mask any of the failed conditions listed in MAINT_ENABLED. A bit on means that the condition is masked out from alarming and will not be reported.
MAINT_PRI designates the alarming priority of the MAINT_ALM. The default is 0 and the recommended value is 3 to 7.
The MAINT_ACTIVE parameter displays which of the alarms is active. Only the condition with the highest priority will be displayed. This priority is not the same as the MAINT_PRI parameter described above. This priority is not user configurable.
An alarm indicating the device needs maintenance soon. If the condition is ignored, the device will eventually fail.
Advisory Alarms
An advisory alarm indicates informative conditions that do not have a direct impact on the device's primary functions There are five parameters associated with ADVISE_ALARMS, they are described below.
The ADVISE_ENABLED parameter contains a list of informative conditions that do not have a direct impact on the device's primary functions. Below is a list of the advisories with the highest priority first.
1.Prescaler Overflow
2.NV Write Deferred
3.PWA Simulate Active
The ADVISE_MASK parameter will mask any of the failed conditions listed in ADVISE_ENABLED. A bit on means the condition is masked out from alarming and will not be reported.
ADVISE_PRI designates the alarming priority of the ADVISE_ALM. The default is 0 and the recommended value is 1 or 2.