Reference Manual
Rosemount 848L
SHR (input, shift, reset, testbit) - The parameters input, shift and reset are functions. The parameter testbit is a constant that is constrained to be in the range of 1 to 8. The reset function is optional. If reset is present and true, the 8 bit register is cleared to zero and the result of the function is false. Otherwise, if shift is true then bit 2 will be moved to bit 1, bit 3 to bit 2, bit 4 to bit 3, bit 5 to bit 4, bit 6 to bit 5, bit 7 to bit 6, bit 8 to bit 7, and the value of input will become the value of bit 8. Then the bit specified by testbit will be tested to determine the value of the function.
The following procedure is used to enter the logic equations.
2.Enter the equations in parameters EQn where n=1 to 16 or OUT1_EQ, OUT2_EQ, OUT3_EQ or OUT4_EQ. Each equation ending with a semicolon.
The equations will then be evaluated and the status of the evaluation shown in the parameter PARSE_RESULT. If any errors were found the block will remain in the OOS mode.
Status Propagation
The contact and Boolean value has a binary value and a good/bad status.
A status is applied to a channel value in one of the following ways:
The hardware input device maybe able to tell if it is shorted or open, in addition to on or off. If the hardware cannot tell then the status is always good, unless a device failure prevents reading the I/O data.
The evaluation of an equation propagates either Good
Each function that is evaluated determines both a value and a status of either good or bad. The functions that provide status are the functions that test a channel number - IN, ICF, ICR, OUT, DO, PS and EQ. If any of the function’s parameters have a Bad or Uncertain status with any
When an equation (set of functions) is evaluated, if a function returns a bad status then evaluation of that equation stops, and the equation channel status is set to Bad,
Status propagates forward, in the direction of the last output equation. If a function references an equation that is the equation being evaluated or a later equation, then the status of that equation will be ignored. The function will use the last good value of the referenced equation and call its status Good. This prevents forward references to equations that reference this equation from locking both equations into Bad status if either ever sets Bad status.
During initialization of the logic transducer block, before the first execution, each equation channel status is set to Bad,