Appendix A Glossary
Page A.7
SSaybolt viscosity A viscosity measured using methods developed by the Saybolt
company. It is obtained by timing how long the fluid takes to flow out of
a cup through a hole of known size. The viscosity is expressed in units
of time.
Security code A code or password which a user must key in before being allowed
access to all or part of a system.
Sensor Another name for a transducer.
Set A value is SET if it is keyed in by the user and does not change unless
the user changes it. (See also: Live.)
Set-up routine A procedure for setting up or configuring a system.
SG See Specific gravity
Signal converter A device which converts one signal into another. Its main use is in
quality measurement systems such as brewing where the output is
used by a control or monitoring system.
Specific gravity The mass per unit volume of a fluid.
Standard condition SeeBase condition
Status The condition of part of a system; for example, whether it is on, off, and
so on.
Status display A display which summarises the contents of the Historical log and gives
an indication of the current status of the system.
TTCP/IP Abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the
suite of communications protocols used to connect hosts on the
Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main ones being TCP
and IP. TCP/IP is built into the UNIX operating system and is used by
the Internet, making it the de facto standard for transmitting data over
networks. Even network operating systems that have their own
protocols, such as Netware, also support TCP/IP.
Temperature The measured temperature of the fluid in the pipeline.
Temperature correction Transducers are typically designed to work at 20°C. A correction must
be applied when working at other temperatures.
Text descriptor Text which you can enter into the signal converter. Typically, this is a
parameter name when you configure Multiview.
Therm Unit of heat. 1 therm is the heat required to raise 1000 pounds of water
through 100°F.