Chapter 8 Alarms Page 8.5
Dens comp. limit Limit
Comparison limit of density ‘A’ and ‘B’ measurements exceeded
Additional alarm message letters:
‘L’=Line density, ‘B’=Base density
Dens temp A limit Limit [H]igh, [L]ow or [S]tep limit for DensityA temperature exceeded
Dens temp B limit Limit [H]igh, [L]ow or [S]tep limit for DensityB temperature exceeded
Density cal fail System A particular density input has not been calibrated. Additional character seen is
the channel number.
Gas slave fail Limit MODBUS communications with a 795x (configured as a “Gas Slave”) have
Line dens limit Limit [H]igh, [L]ow or [S]tep limit for line density exceeded
Line temp limit Limit [H]igh, [L]ow or [S]tep limit for Line temperature exceeded
LineTxdr Calcfail Input A line density calculation failed because of incorrect data
Live CO2 limit Limit [H]igh or [L]ow limit for live carbon dioxide exceeded
Live Energy limit Limit [H]igh or [L]ow limit for live energy exceeded
Live N2 limit Limit [H]igh or [L]ow limit for live nitrogen exceeded
mA input failed Input A mA-type analogue input has failed. Additional character seen is the channel
mA input no cal System A mA-type analogue input is not calibrated. Additional character seen is the
channel number.
mA out cal. fail System A mA-type analogue output calibration has failed. Additional character seen is
the channel number.
mA output failed System A mA-type analogue output has failed. Additional character seen is the
channel number.
mA output no cal System A mA-type analogue output is not calibrated. Additional character seen is the
channel number.
Power fail System Power supply to the 795x has been interrupted
Pressure limit Limit [H]igh, [L]ow or [S]tep limit for Line pressure exceeded
Prt input failed Input A PRT input has failed. Additional character seen is the channel number.
Prt no cal System A PRT-type analogue input has not been calibrated. Additional character seen
is the channel number.
Pulse out limit Input Maximum number of pulses exceeded on a particular channel
SG compare limit Limit Limit for comparison of SG ‘A’ and SG ‘B’ values exceeded
SG limit Limit [H]igh or [L]ow limit for specific gravity exceeded
SpEqu1 calc fail Input Incorrect data caused Special Equation 1 to fail
SpEqu2 calc fail Input Incorrect data caused Special Equation 2 to fail
Std volume limit Limit Limit for standard volume exceeded
Timeperiod failed Input A time-period input has failed. Additional character seen is the channel
Timeperiod glitch Input A glitch has occurred on a time-period input.
Timeperiod no cal System A time period input is not calibrated
User alarm Limit User alarm ‘X’ or ‘Y’ activated