Appendix E Data tables
Page E.3
Velocity of Sound in LiquidsThe values for a selection of fluids are given below. You can obtain further details from reference books such as Tables
of Physical and Chemical Constants and some Mathematical Functions by G W C Kaye and T H Laby.
Liquid Temperature
(t °C)
Velocity of Sound
(c) ms-1)
Rate of Change
(t/c δδ ms-1K-1)
Acetic acid 20 1173 ----
Acetone 20 1190 -4.5
Amyl acetate 29 1173 ----
Aniline 20 1656 -4.0
Benzine 20 1320 -5.0
Blood (horse) 37 1571 ----
Butyl acetate 30 1172 -3.2
Carbon disulphide 25 1142 ----
Carbon tetrachloride 20 940 -3.0
Chlorine 20 850 -3.8
Chlorobenzene 20 1290 -4.3
Chloroform 20 990 -3.3
Ethanol amide 25 1724 -3.4
Ethyl acetate 30 1133 -3.9
Ethyl alcohol 20 1162 -3.6
Formic acid 20 1360 -3.5
Heptane 20 1160 -4.5
n-Hexane 30 1060 ----
Kerosene 25 1315 -3.6
Menthol 50 1271 ----
Methyl acetate 30 1131 -3.7
Methyl alcohol 20 1121 -3.5
Methylene Chloride 25 1070 ----
Nitrogen -189 745 -10.6
Nonane 20 1248 ----
Oil (castor) 19 1500 -4.1
Oil (olive) 22 1440 -2.8
Octane 20 1197 ----
Oxygen -186 950 -6.9
n-Pentane 20 1044 -4.2
n-Propyl acetate 26 1182 ----
Toluene 20 1044 -4.2
Turpentine 25 1225 ----
Water (distilled) 10 1447.2 ----
20 1482.3 ----
30 1509.1 ----
50 1542.5 ----