Chapter 8 Alarms
Page 8.4
•Acceptance indication
This is only shown for those entries that have not been accepted. When the entry is accepted, the indicator
•Other entries indication
An up-arrow symbol shows that there are entries before the present one, whilst a down-arrow symbol
shows that there are others after. If the entry currently shown is first in the list, there is no up-arrow. If it is
last, there is no down-arrow.
•Description of the alarm
This is an abbreviated description of the alarm and should be sufficient to help you trace the cause of the
problem. A complete list of alarm messages, and what they mean, is on page 8.3.
8.1.7 Clearing all entries in the Historical Alarm Log To clear all the alarm entries in the historical log, press the CLR button. This clears all entries in the Historical
Alarm Log, zeroes the entries in the Status Display and sets all LED indicators to OFF.
8.1.8 Alarm Messages Alarm message Type What it means
AGA8 failed Input
AGA8 calculation could not be completed due to a problem.
Additional alarm message letters: ‘C’=Composition, ‘L’=Line, ‘B’=Base
AGA8 T.P. range Input
Temperature and pressure are outside the range that can be handled by
Additional alarm message letters: ‘L’=Line, ‘B’=Base
Atmos press limit Limit [H]igh, [L]ow or [S]tep limit for Atmospheric pressure has been exceeded
Bad gas data System Raw gas data is incorrect
Base dens limit Limit [H]igh, [L]ow or [S]tep limit for Base Density has been exceeded
Battery failed System 795x needs a new battery
Battery low System 795x needs a new battery as soon as possible
Comparison limit Limit Either the A or B user alarms are out of limits
Chromat error Limit The Chromatograph has indicated that it has an error of some kind.
Chromat slv fail Limit MODBUS communications with a Chromatograph (acting as a slave) have
Compress. fail Limit Compressibility calculation has not been fully configured.
Database corrupt System Notification that the 795x database has been automatically fixed after
corruption was detected. Check the configuration in case data has been
DBM bad chksum. System The memory checksum has failed. The 795x needs to be re-configured.
Additional character that may be seen:
‘V’=Volatile memory, ‘N’=Non-volatile memory (RAM/FRAM)
DBM bad triple System Notification that one or more copies of the data were corrupted. This problem
is corrected automatically but the configuration needs to be checked.
Additional character that may be seen:
‘0’=RAM, ‘1’=NVM-copy1, ‘2’= NVM-copy2, ‘3’=padding, ‘!’=beyond repair