Static precautions
Some parts of the instrument (such as circuit boards) may be damaged by static electricity. Therefore, when
carrying out any work which involves the risk of static damage to the instrument, the instructions show the
following notice:
CAUTION While carrying out this procedure, you must wear an earthed wrist strap at
all times to protect the instrument against static shock.
At such times you must wear an earthed wrist-strap to protect the instrument.
Safety information NOTE: This information applies only to those instruments which are mains-powered.
Electricity is dangerous and you risk injury or death if you do not disconnect the power supplies before
carrying out some of the procedures given in this manual. Whenever there is such a hazard, the instructions
show a notice similar to the following:
WARNING Electricity is dangerous and can kill.
Disconnect all power supplies before proceeding.
You must heed any such warnings and make sure that, before you go any further:
xAll power leads are un-powered.
xAll power leads are disconnected from the equipment which you are working on unless the
instructions tell you otherwise.
xYou obey any other common-sense precautions which may apply to your situation.
If you obey these sensible precautions, you can work on the equipment in complete safety.
Battery-backed Memory notice x It is essential that the Lithium Cell used for the battery backup is installed at all times (other than during
replacement). The 7951 Micro Motion® Signal Converter will not power-up correctly if this battery is missing.
If it is necessary to run the units without batteries for Intrinsic Safety reasons, then the battery should be
replaced with a shorting disk inserted in the battery holder. Please consult the factory for further advice.
x Replace the battery when the "Low Battery" system alarm is indicated. The procedure is in Chapter 14.