Chapter 8 Alarms
Page 8.1
8. Alarms 8.1 Alarms
8.1.1 Alarm types
The types of alarms that are detected and recorded are:
System alarms, caused by one or more of:
• Power failure.
• Battery low (if a battery is fitted).
• Watchdog.
• RAM checksum failure.
• ROM checksum failure.
Input alarms, caused by one or more of:
• Failure of analogue inputs.
• Failure of density transducers.
• Incorrect data has been entered.
Limit alarms, caused by one or more of:
• Limits which you have set.
• Limits defined by the system.
These always result in two alarms - one when the change first happens and another when the system returns to its
normal state.
8.1.2 Alarm indicators
The 795x has three LED indicators to show alarm status; one each for Input, System and Limit Alarms.
Each alarm indicator can be in one of three states:
Off The system is working normally.
Flashing An alarm has been received but has not yet been accepted.
On All alarms has been accepted but not yet cleared. The conditions that caused the alarms in the first
place may still exist.
1. System alarm 2. Input Alarm 3. Limit Alarm
Figure 8.1: Alarm indicators on the front panel