Chapter 9 Additional facilities
Page 9.1
9. Additional facilities

9.1 What this chapter tells you

You can also specify features such as:
Fallback values and modes to be used if live inputs fail.
Limits which, if exceeded, trigger alarms.
The units in which the calculations are performed and are displayed.
The following sections give more information about these, and other, topics which relate to the way in which data
is processed.

9.2 Selecting units and data formats

You can select the units which the 795x uses for its calculations and in which it displays the data, as well as the
formats in which the data is displayed.
You can choose the units and formats for:
Line density.
Base density.
Time period input.
A full list of the units (metric and imperial) is given at the end of this chapter. Note that, if you change the units, the
values are converted automatically to reflect the change.

9.3 Lim its

You can set limits for some parameters so that an alarm is generated if the limits are exceeded.
There are three types of limit:
High limit: The highest value which the parameter can have before an alarm is generated.
Low limit: The lowest value which the parameter can have before an alarm is generated.
Step limit: The greatest allowable step between successive values before an alarm is generated.
The parameters, and the types of limit which you can set for them, are:
Line density: high, low and step
Base density: high, low and step
Line temperature: high, low and step
Density temperature: high, low and step
Line pressure: high, low and step
Alarm X and Y: high and low
Specific gravity: high, low and step