National Television Standards Committee. A video encoding standard primarily used in North America and Japan.
PALPhase Alternation Line. A video encoding standard primarily used in Europe and Australia.
pixelShort for picture element. Each image is composed of a number of pixels. Pixels are also counted in units of dots.
portAn interface channel through which data is transmitted between devices.
resolutionAn indication of how finely an image is resolved into pixels. See pixel.
thumbnailsSmall representations of images.
TIFFA file format for storing color and grayscale images in files with little or no data compression. (TIFF files made with the PhotoPC 3000Z receive no data compression.) Saving data in the TIFF format results in files that are larger and have finer image quality than image files with greater data compression, such as JPEG and other format files. See JPEG.
white balanceThe balance between the whiteness and color in your image. When the white balance is fixed to the environment where the picture is taken, the colors in your images appear more like those seen by the eye.
To show a smaller area of an image at a higher magnification (zoom in) or a larger area at a lower magnification (zoom out).