EPSON Internet FTP Site
If you have access to the Internet and an FTP client, you can download drivers, FAQs, and sample files from EPSON’s FTP site. Use your FTP client or Web browser to log onto ftp.epson.com with the user name anonymous and your
You can access the EPSON
EPSON Download Service
You can call the EPSON Download Service at (310)
EPSON Forum on CompuServe
CompuServe® members can access the Epson America Forum on CompuServe. If you are already a member, simply type GO EPSON at the menu prompt to reach the Forum.
If you are not currently a member, you are eligible for a free introductory membership as an owner of an EPSON product. This membership entitles you to:
❑An introductory credit on CompuServe
❑Your own user ID and password
❑A complimentary subscription to CompuServe Magazine, CompuServe’s monthly publication.