
This setting specifies color (CMYK) or monochrome printing. CMYK refers to the printer’s colored inks: cyan (blue-green), magenta, yellow, and black (K). These colors are combined to create any of 16 million colors. When you select Monochrome, the printer prints only black ink. If you are printing a color image and Monochrome is selected, the printer converts color data to grayscale values. When you want to print in color, select Color (CMYK).


If you select color printing and print a black and white image, the printer uses the CMYK colors to create black. For true black, select Monochrome. This produces black and white images with higher detail.


This setting lets you select one of seven options: Automatic, No halftoning, Error Diffusion, Dithering A, Dithering B, ColorSync, and Video/Digital Camera (Error Diffusion).

To take advantage of EPSON’s intelligent color correction feature, select Automatic so your printer driver can analyze the data for each page of your document and automatically adjust the settings. If you prefer to set the halftone method manually, follow these guidelines:

Use No Halftoning to speed printing for text or monochrome line art. Do not use it when printing in color.

Dithering A and Dithering B arrange dots in orderly patterns. Printing dithered images is relatively fast and is best suited for printing charts, graphs, and other images that require precise, solid areas of bright colors. Use Dithering A for images with limited detail and shading. Select Dithering B for images with significant detail but limited shading.

3-10Installing and Using the Macintosh Printer Software