The enquiry desk team can be contacted by calling 0800 220546
in the UK or 1 800 409132 from the Republic of Ireland, by
faxing 01442 227271, and via the Internet at info@epson.co.uk.
They can provide the following information:
Information and literature on new EPSON products (also
available from Faxon Epson)
Where to purchase genuine EPSON consumables,
accessories and options
Customer SupportOur Customer Support team can provide the following services:
Technical information on installing, configuring, and
operating your EPSON products
Arranging for faulty EPSON products to be repaired within
the warranty period
For information on contacting our Customer Support team,
please see the Service and Support Information booklet that
came with your EPSON product.
If this booklet is not available, details can be found on Faxon
Epson faxback service, EPtec Bulletin Board Service or on
EPSON’s World Wide Web site. See below for details.
Faxon EpsonContact Faxon Epson faxback service for:
Literature and specifications on the latest EPSON products
Support information including troubleshooting tips, switch
settings and driver information
A5 size Chapter 8
12-12-97 DR, pass 0
8-40 Troubleshooting