Process of color printing
A printer produces color images by printing tin y pat te rns of ink dots
using CMYK colors as mentioned in the previous sectio n. Be ca use most
ink jet printers are not able to print different gradations of the three
primary colors, they must use a halftoning method in order to re present
millions of colors or the gradation of colors as follows:
Dithering and error diffusion are the most commonly used halftoning
Dithering uniformly aligns individual dots of different colored inks to
create the appearance of neutral colors. This meth od is suitable for
printing documents that contain large areas of solid co lor, such as bar
charts and graphs.
Error diffusion
Error diffusio n randomly place s individual dot s of different colors to
create the appearance of neutral colors. By random ly placing dots, the
printer can achieve excellent colors and subtle color gr ad atio n. T his
method is suited for printing documents that contain finely detaile d
graphics or photographic images.
A5 size Appendix A
12-12-97 DR, pass 0
A-4 Tips for Color Printing