Print Layout (for Windows 95)
2 Pages/4 Pages P rints 2 or 4 pages of your document
on a single piece of paper.
Page Order Allows you to select the order of the
printed pages.
Print page frames Allows you to print a frame around
each page on the sheet of paper. The
Print page frames feature is active if a
check appears in the check box.
Check the Watermark check box to activate the currently
selected watermark and to enable the Watermark Settings
button, which opens the Watermark Settings dialog box.
In the Watermark Settings dialog box you can select from a list
of predefined watermarks, or you can select a bitmap (.BMP)
file as your own custom watermark. The Watermark Settings
dialog box also allows you to make a variety of detailed
watermark settings, for example yo u can select the size, color,
and position of your watermark.
A5 size Chapter 4
12-12-97 DR, pass 0
4-14 Using the Printer Software for Windows