User’s Guide – version 3.5 | NetFlow Tracker |
applid_exclude=true – specifies that the supplied identified applications are excluded rather than included.
tos – specifies an acceptable
<prec> | The precedence, in the range |
<tos> | A string of letters indicating which ToS bits must be set or |
| unset, each letter being one of D, T, R or M for low delay, high |
| throughput, high reliability and minimise monetary cost |
| respectively, or d, t, r or m for normal delay, normal |
| throughput, normal reliability and normal monetary cost; any |
| bits not specified as set or unset will be disregarded |
<prec>%20<tos> | The precedence and ToS as above; %20 being a |
| space character |
tos_exclude=true – specifies that the supplied
ds – specifies an acceptable differentiated service codepoint.
<name> | The assigned name of the codepoint |
<code> | The |
<byte> | The value of the entire |
ds_exclude=true – specifies that the supplied differentiated service codepoints are excluded rather than included.
class – specifies an acceptable traffic class.
<name> | The traffic class name; see Device Settings for more information |
<id> | The traffic class identifier |
class_exclude=true – specifies that the supplied traffic classes are excluded rather than included.
srcas – specifies an acceptable source autonomous system number.
<as> | The AS number, in the range |
| A range of AS numbers, with as1 being the start of the range |
| and as2 the end. |
srcas_exclude=true – specifies that the supplied source autonomous system numbers are excluded rather than included.
dstas – specifies an acceptable destination autonomous system number. Format as for srcas above.