Chapter 5. Using BCAdmin™
d. Gateway (Ingress)
In Gateway (Ingress) Mode, as in Gateway mode, the reachback interface is configured to exist on a different network than the BreadCrumb device’s other interfaces. NAT, however, is configured in the direction opposite to that of Gateway Mode. Inbound traffic from the reachback network appears to originate from the BreadCrumb, and outbound traffic from the BCWN must be sent through a forwarded port (see the Section called Forwarding Settings for details)
Disables reachback regardless of the selected interface.
3.Alternate Gateway
If the BreadCrumb is in Gateway Mode and this checkbox is not checked, the BreadCrumb device is considered a "Primary Gateway" and assigns itself the additional address of (the gateway address provided by the BreadCrumb DHCP servers). There may be at most one Primary Gateway in a BCWN.
Alternate Gateways do not assign themselves the address, and provide their own addresses as a gateway to their own DHCP clients.
Tip: If you are running a BCWN with multiple gateways, disable DHCP on all
For reachback using the "Radio 2" or "Radio 2 (ad hoc)" interfaces, this is the ESSID to which the BreadCrumb device will attempt to connect.
5.WEP Key
For reachback using the "Radio 2" or "Radio 2 (ad hoc)" interfaces, this is the WEP key that will be used for the reachback connection. If a WEP key is not required for wireless reachback, leave this field blank.
6.IP Address Configuration
If "Obtain an IP Address Automatically" is selected for a Gateway Mode, the BreadCrumb device will obtain its IPv4 address on its reachback interface using DHCP.
If "Use the Following:" is selected for a Gateway Mode, the following must be set manually: