6.4 Using the Clock
1. In the Organizer menu, press /
to select Clock and then press eingabe .
• The clock shows the times and dates of both local and world cities.
Setting the Clock
1.In the Clock, press A (SET TIME).
to move between fields.
•Date / Time: Press once and then press
to change values. Press
to move between fields.
•Home City / World City: Press once. Press
to select a city and then press eingabe . You can also type a letter to jump to that part of the list.
•Home City DST / World City DST: Press repeatedly to set daylight saving time on or off.
•Time Format: Press repeatedly to set 12HR or 24HR clock display.
•Date Format: Press once and then press
to select a time format. Press eingabe when done.
3. Press A (CONFIRM) when done.
• To quit without saving, press S (CANCEL).