MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 10-1

Chapter 10

Reset Controller Module

10.1 Introduction

The reset controller is provided to determine the cause of reset, assert the appropriate reset signals to the
system, and keep a history of what caused the reset. The low voltage detection module, which generates
low-voltage detect (LVD) interrupts and resets, is implemented within the reset controller module.

10.2 Features

Module features include the following:
Seven sources of reset:
External reset input
Power-on reset (POR)
Watchdog timer
Phase locked-loop (PLL) loss of lock
PLL loss of clock
— Software
Low-voltage detector (LVD)
Software-assertable RSTO pin independent of chip reset state
Software-readable status flags indicating the cause of the last reset
LVD control and status bits for setup and use of LVD reset or interrupt

10.3 Block Diagram

Figure 10-1 illustrates the reset controller and is explained in the following sections.