Static RAM (SRAM)
MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 5-3

5.3 Initialization/Application Information

After a hardware reset, the SRAM module contents are undefined. The valid bit of the RAMBAR is

cleared, disabling the processor port into the memory . If the SRAM requires initialization with instructions

or data, perform the following steps:

1. Load the RAMBAR, mapping the SRAM module to the desired location within the address space.

Priority Bit. PRIU determines if DMA or CPU has priority in the upper 16K bank of memory. PRIL determines
if DMA or CPU has priority in the lower 16K bank of memory. If a bit is set, the CPU has priority. If a bit is
cleared, DMA has priority. Priority is determined according to the following table:
Note: The recommended setting (maximum performance) for the priority bits is 00.
Secondary port valid. Allows access by DMA.
0 DMA access to memory is disabled.
1 DMA access to memory is enabled.
Note: The SPV bit in the second RAMBAR register must also be set to allow dual port access to the SRAM.
For more information, see Section 12.5.2, “Memory Base Address Register (RAMBAR).
Write Protect. Allows only read accesses to the SRAM. When this bit is set, any attempted write access
from the core generates an access error exception to the ColdFire processor core.
0 Allows core read and write accesses to the SRAM module
1 Allows only core read accesses to the SRAM module
Note: This bit does not affect non-core write accesses.
7–6 Reserved, must be cleared.
C/I, SC, SD, UC,
Address Space Masks (ASn). These five bit fields allow types of accesses to be masked or inhibited from
accessing the SRAM module. The address space mask bits are:
C/I = CPU space/interrupt acknowledge cycle mask
SC = Supervisor code address space mask
SD = Supervisor data address space mask
UC = User code address space mask
UD = User data address space mask
For each address space bit:
0 An access to the SRAM module can occur for this address space
1 Disable this address space from the SRAM module. If a reference using this address space is made, it
is inhibited from accessing the SRAM module and is processed like any other non-SRAM reference.
These bits are useful for power management as detailed in Section 5.3.2, “Power Management.In most
applications, the C/I bit is set
Valid. When set, this bit enables the SRAM module; otherwise, the module is disabled. A hardware reset
clears this bit.
0 Contents of RAMBAR are not valid
1 Contents of RAMBAR are valid

Table 5-2. RAMBAR Field Descriptions (continued)

Field Description
PRIU,PRIL Upper Bank Priority Lower Bank Priority
01 CPU
10 CPU