ColdFire Core
MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 3-15
fixed-length stack frame for all exceptions. The exception type determines whether the program
counter placed in the exception stack frame defines the location of the faulting instruction (fault)
or the address of the next instruction to be executed (next).
4. The processor calculates the address of the first instruction of the exception handler . By definition,
the exception vector table is aligned on a 1 Mbyte boundary. This instruction address is generated
by fetching an exception vector from the table located at the address defined in the vector base
register . The index into the exception table is calculated as (4 ×vector number). After the exception
vector has been fetched, the vector contents determine the address of the first instruction of the
desired handler. After the instruction fetch for the first opcode of the handler has initiated,
exception processing terminates and normal instruction processing continues in the handler.
All ColdFire processors support a 1024-byte vector table aligned on any 1 Mbyte address boundary (see
Table 3-5). The table contains 256 exception vectors; the first 64 are defined for the core and the remaining
192 are device-specific peripheral interrupt vectors. See Chapter 14, “Interrupt Controller Module” for
details on the device-specific interrupt sources.
Table 3-5. Exception Vector Assignments
Offset (Hex)
0 0x000 Initial supervisor stack pointer
1 0x004 Initial program counter
2 0x008 Fault Access error
3 0x00C Fault Address error
4 0x010 Fault Illegal instruction
5 0x014 Fault Divide by zero
6–7 0x018–0x01C — Reserved
8 0x020 Fault Privilege violation
9 0x024 Next Trace
10 0x028 Fault Unimplemented line-A opcode
11 0x02C Fault Unimplemented line-F opcode
12 0x030 Next Debug interrupt
13 0x034 — Reserved
14 0x038 Fault Format error
15–23 0x03C–0x05C Reserved
24 0x060 Next Spurious interrupt
25–31 0x064–0x07C Reserved
32–47 0x080–0x0BC Next Trap # 0-15 instructions
48–63 0x0C0–0x0FC Reserved