UART Modules
MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 24-3

24.2 External Signal Description

Table 24-1 briefly describes the UART module signals.
Figure 24-2 shows a signal configuration for a UART/RS-232 interface.
Figure 24-2. UART/RS-232 Interface

24.3 Memory Map/Register Definition

This section contains a detailed description of each register and its specific function. Flowcharts in
Section 24.5, “Initialization/Application Information,” describe basic UART module programming.
Writing control bytes into the appropriate registers controls the operation of the UART module.
UART registers are accessible only as bytes.
Interrupt can mean an interrupt request asserted to the CPU or a DMA
Table 24-1. UART Module Signals
Signal Description
UTXDnTransmitter Serial Data Output. UTXDn is held high (mark condition) when the transmitter is
disabled, idle, or operating in the local loopback mode. Data is shifted out on UTXDn on the
falling edge of the clock source, with the least significant bit (lsb) sent first.
URXDnReceiver Serial Data Input. Data received on URXDn is sampled on the rising edge of the clock
source, with the lsb received first.
UCTSnClear-to- Send. This input can generate an interrupt on a change of state.
URTSnRequest-to-Send. This output can be programmed to be negated or asserted automatically by
the receiver or the transmitter. When connected to a transmitter’s UCTSn, URTSn can control
serial data flow.
RS-232 TransceiverUART