Signal Descriptions
MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 2-13

2.16 EzPort Signal Descriptions

Table 2-15 contains a list of EzPort external signals

2.17 Power and Ground Pins

The pins described in Table 2-16 provide system power and ground to the chip. Multiple pins are provided

for adequate current capability. All power supply pins must have adequate decoupling (bypass

capacitance) for high-frequency noise suppression.

Table 2-15. EzPort Signal Descriptions

Signal Name Abbreviation Function I/O
EzPort Clock EZPCK Shift clock for EzPort transfers I
EzPort Chip Select EZPCSChip select for signaling the start and end of
serial transfers
EzPort Serial Data In EZPD EZPD is sampled on the rising edge of EZPCK I
EzPort Serial Data Out EZPQ EZPQ transitions on the falling edge of EZPCK O

Table 2-16. Power and Ground Pins

Signal Name Abbreviation Function I/O
PLL Analog Supply VDDPLL,
Dedicated power supply signals to isolate the sensitive PLL analog
circuitry from the normal levels of noise present on the digital power
Positive Supply VDD These pins supply positive power to the core logic. I
Ground VSS This pin is the negative supply (ground) to the chip.