Queued Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI)
MCF52211 ColdFire® Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual, Rev. 2
Freescale Semiconductor 23-3

23.3 Memory Map/Register Definition

Table 23-2 is the QSPI register memory map. Reading reserved locations returns zeros.

23.3.1 QSPI Mode Register (QMR)

The QMR, shown in Figure 23-2, determines the basic operating modes of the QSPI module. Parameters
such as QSPI_CLK polarity and phase, baud rate, master mode operation, and transfer size are determined
by this register. The data output high impedance enable, DOHIE, controls the operation of QSPI_DOUT
between data transfers. When DOHIE is cleared, QSPI_DOUT is actively driven between transfers. When
DOHIE is set, QSPI_DOUT assumes a high impedance state.
Because the QSPI does not operate in slave mode , the master mode enable
bit (QMR[MSTR]) must be set for the QSPI module to operate correctly.
Table 23-1. QSPI Input and Output Signals and Functions
Signal Name Hi-Z or Actively Driven Function
QSPI Data Output (QSPI_DOUT) Configurable Serial data output from QSPI
QSPI Data Input (QSPI_DIN) N/A Serial data input to QSPI
Serial Clock (QSPI_CLK) Actively driven Clock output from QSPI
Peripheral Chip Selects (QSPI_CSn) Actively driven Peripheral selects
Table 23-2. QSPI Memory Map
1Addresses not assigned to a register and undefined register bits are reserved for expansion.
Register Width
(bits) Access Reset Value Section/Page
0x00_0340 QSPI Mode Register (QMR) 16 R/W 0x0104 23.3.1/23-3
0x00_0344 QSPI Delay Register (QDLYR) 16 R/W 0x0404 23.3.2/23-5
0x00_0348 QSPI Wrap Register (QWR) 16 R/W2
2See the register description for special cases. Some bits may be read- or write-only.
0x0000 23.3.3/23-6
0x00_034C QSPI Interrupt Register (QIR) 16 R/W20x0000 23.3.4/23-6
0x00_0350 QSPI Address Register (QAR) 16 R/W20x0000 23.3.5/23-7
0x00_0354 QSPI Data Register (QDR) 16 R/W 0x0000 23.3.6/23-8
0x00_0340 (QMR) Access: User read/write
1514131211109 8 76543210
Reset0 0 00000100000100
Figure 23-2. QSPI Mode Register (QMR)